International Socialism #156
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Τεύχος:Νο 156
Φθινόπωρο 2017
Σελίδες: 224
Εκδόσεις: International Socialism journal
ISSN: 0020-8736
Morbid symptoms
Alex Callinicos
Where is Venezuela going?
Andy Brown
Grenfell: this should change everything
Eileen Short
The orphaned revolution: the meaning of October 1917
Alex Callinicos
Maxim Gorky and the fellow travellers
Cathy Porter
The Russian Revolution and the British working class
Pete Jackson
After the surge: Corbyn and the road ahead
Mark L Thomas
A hard road to travel: black people and racism in the 19th century United States
Ken Olende
The myth of loyalist socialism
Mike Milotte
Marx’s Capital at 150
Nick Moore
The Third Republic, the war and the mutiny in the French Army in 1917
Steve Guy
The Bolsheviks and sexual liberation
Noel Halifax
Book Reviews
How far was the Russian Revolution made by the Bolsheviks?
Steve Smith
The unfinished revolution
Esme Choonara
Pick Of The Quarter
This quarter’s selection