International Socialism #137
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Τεύχος: Νο 137
Χειμώνας 2013
Σελίδες: 224
British sounds
Alex Callinicos
Why Obama won
Megan Trudell
Interview: South Africa after Marikana
Peter Alexander
“Never going back”: Egypt’s continuing revolution
Philip Marfleet
Latin America: the tide is turning
Mike Gonzalez
New divisions of labour in the global economy
Jane Hardy
The dynamics of revolution
Alex Callinicos
The enemy’s enemy: Disraeli and working class leadership
Ian Birchall
Hegemony and mass critical intellectuality
Panagiotis Sotiris
Divided they fell: the German left and the rise of Hitler
Florian Wilde
Climate change: it’s even worse than we thought
Martin Empson
The NPA in crisis: We have to explain because we have to start again
Denis Godard
Book reviews
The age of Hobsbawm
Siobhan Brown
Sweet dreams aren’t made of this
Jonny Jones
Climate of conflict
Camilla Royle
The Dice Man
Ross Speer
Pick of the quarter
This quarter's selction
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