International Socialism #110

9,00 (με ΦΠΑ)

Τεύχος:Νο 110
Φθινόπωρο 2006
Σελίδες: 224

Κατηγορία: .
Συγγραφέας: .



Analysis: the faultlines grow deeper
Chris Harman

Nepal on the brink
Yuri Prasad

Venezuela: the popular movement and the government
Roland Denis

The Bolsheviks and Islam
Dave Crouch

Marxism and terrorism
Gareth Jenkins

Enlightenment and anti-capitalism
Neil Davidson

Pakistan: on the edge of instability
Geoff Brown

Mao out of context
Charlie Hore

The light that hasn’t failed
Kevin Murphy

The anger and ethics of Manuel Vázquez Montalbán
Mike Eaude

Book Reviews

Where it came from
Mike Haynes

Structures and agencies
Chris Wickham

Actually existing capitalism
Sue Sparks

The haunted battlefield
Owen Miller

What Marx really said
Simon Basketter

Beyond the Subalterns
Talat Ahmed

Hunting the heretics
Graham Mustin

Pick Of The Quarter

Pick of the quarter
Chris Harman


Making sense of imperialism: a reply to Leo Panitch and Sam Gindin
Alex Callinicos