International Socialism #161
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Τεύχος: Νο 161
Χειμώνας 2019
Σελίδες: 224
Εκδόσεις: International Socialism Journal
ISSN: 0020-8736
Now Online
Shambling towards the precipice: analysis from our spring 2019 issue
Race, class and identity, Saturday 18 May 2019
Brexit blues
Alex Callinicos
Brazil: how big a defeat?
Valério Arcary
Austria: fascism in government
David Albrich
1968 and the troubled birth of the Turkish left
Carol Williams
Iraq: what happened next…
Philip Marfleet
Marxist politics at work during the long boom and its breakdown
Roger Cox
Breaking points and rank and file moments: reaching the limits of “legalism” in industrial action
Mark O’Brien
In a hole and still digging: the left and Brexit
Wayne Asher
Capitalism and the Holocaust—the missing link: a reply to Donny Gluckstein
Horst Haenisch
Marxism and mental distress: a reply to Shirley Franklin
Iain Ferguson
The consolation of familiar ideas: a reply to Christian Høgsbjerg
John Kelly
Pick Of The Quarter
This quarter’s selection
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