International Socialism #114

7,00 (με ΦΠΑ)

Τεύχος: Νο 114
Άνοιξη 2007
Σελίδες: 224

  • Προϊόν Περιοδικό: International Socialism
Κωδικός προϊόντος: IS114.

Κατηγορία: .
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Surging out of control

Latin America: the return of Popular Power
Sami Ramadani interview: ‘Iraq is not a communal war’

Signposts on the road to disaster
Martin Empson

Socialists and Scottish Independence
Neil Davidson

Northern Ireland: The death of radical republicanism
Kieran Allen

Northern Ireland: the privatisation of peace
Goretti Horgan

LGBT politics and sexual liberation
Colin Wilson

Reality TV: the Big Brother phenomenon
Colin Sparks

Gramsci's revolutionary legacy

Gramsci: the Turin years
Megan Trudell

Hegemony and revolutionary strategy
Chris Bambery

Gramsci, the Prison Notebooks and philosophy
Chris Harman

Gramsci’s Marxism and international relations
Adrian Budd

Book reviews

Stronger than the wall: Gareth Dale's trilogy on East Germany
Mike Haynes

Liberté, fraternité, closed-shoppité
John Newsinger

Hot stuff: coming to terms with nature
Martin Empson

The struggle and the scrum
Paul Blackledge

Reasonable ideology? Negri's Descartes
Dan Swain

Brzezinski’s bunker
Richard Seymour

No more heroes
Robert Jackson

Forgotten treasure: a new biography of Grossman
Chris Harman

Chartism's hidden history
Judy Cox

The bear facts: new books on Russia
Pete Glatter

Leninism with reservations
Mark Thomas

Pick of the quarter

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